Do This For Clarity & Relief

guided meditation guided visualization how to create clarity letting go of the past manifestation new years resolutions Dec 30, 2021

New Years can be so heavy!


Getting the right "word" for the year, releasing the past, making resolutions... Fk that!


Before you get sucked down the New Year's resolution rabbit hole, watch this and follow along.


We are here to help you hit pause on all the chaos and stress by taking you on a guided journey. You get to sit back, relax and we'll do all the work.


Think of it like a DFY meditation. You get all the benefits without all the extra work of quieting your mind and sitting in lotus pose.


In this guided visualization you'll painlessly and lovingly discover what you are ready to let go of and what you are ready to bring in.


All without effort-ing your way through it.


This simple meditation can be done laying down, sitting, or even walking. Allow yourself to relax and be guided.


We'd love to hear from you in the comments... what did you let go of? What are you calling in for who you're becoming?


Speaking of calling in!


Life Camp is coming... Our virtual sanctuary for grown-ass adults who want to ditch their trauma through a neuroscience based approach & create a life worth obsessing about.


Get on the waitlist today, our next session begins January 2022!


From Star Rose Bond, LCSW and Ruby Christine Head, Co Founders of Life Camp and your strategy obsessed, neuroscience based, Trauma informed therapist and coach.


Join the Life Camp waitlist!


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*Note: Please note the information provided in this show is not medical advice, nor should it be taken or applied as a replacement for medical advice. Life Camp TV, its employees, guests and affiliates assume no liability for the application of the information discussed.

**The information provided is not medical advice. It is for informational purposes only. ***Always consult a board-certified M.D. before using new tools or practices of any kind.

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