5 Pro Tips From A Neurodivergent Therapist To Keep Your Head In The Game

neurodivergent Apr 05, 2022

Being a #neurodivergent therapist/coach, raising a neurodivergent child and treating neurodivergent clients can be a wild ride🎒 !!! But it can also be fun!!

Us neurodivergent folx have a lot to offer the planet. So although we don’t fit nicely in the boxes society has assigned to us, we are often the creative and brilliant forces behind invention, art, culture, technology and research.


πŸ—£ Here are 5 Pro Tips to Help Keep Your Head In The Game (literally)…


1.) Write Sh*t Down! I know you have a million brilliant ideas πŸ’‘ that cross your mind on the daily pulling your attention in all different directions — get a notebook specifically dedicated to #ideas. Write them down as they pop up. Each week (or month) pick ONE to work on, pursue and explore.


2.) Stay off your phone for the first hour you’re awake! Use that time to develop a morning (and ideally evening) ritual that consists of hydration, stillness, intention setting, movement and gratitude. (This can all be done in under 15 min, so no excuses). In the evening, journal 3-5 wins you had for the day (big or small) so you can get your dopamine flowing. Research shows morning rituals (aka routines) increase productivity, ability to focus, feel in control all while decreasing stress and improving relationships.


3.) Embrace your quirky #neurodivergent ass. Assign a new POSITIVE narrative to the things you do that you believe are “weird” or “abnormal.” These behaviors are ok and YOU ARE AMAZING. You don’t owe anyone an explanation for being you. Many of us do things like:

- Quadruple check our pockets before we leave the house.πŸ‘€

- Smell our glasses or wipe down silverware before we use them πŸ‘ƒ

- Multi-focus at an extra terrestrial rate πŸ‘½

- Make plans and then ❌ cancel last minute

- Generate endless innovative πŸ’‘ ideas at the speed of light

- Manage time ⏰ differently as linear time is often very boring or constricting for us.

Being you is a superpower... (if you're having challenges owning, embracing and loving your full self, this is the kind of stuff we navigate in Life Camp, get a peek here.)


4.) Go Green for focus, concentration and happiness benefits! Fill your house with plants (or buy one for your desk/office)! Studies show that indoor plants reduce stress, boost mood and improve concentration and productivity (by up to 15%). Did you know houseplants can remove up to 87% of toxins from the air in 24 hours decreasing allergies and freshening up your space (thanks for the research NASA).


5.) Add Plant Power! Do research herbs and supplements that can provide support and nourishment for your nervous system and brain to improve mood, memory, cognitive function and concentration. While we don't technically recommend you start taking anything (thats between you and your doctor) we can say these are some of our personal favorites:

  • NAC - N Acetyl Cysteine
  • Magnesium
  • Lion’s Mane
  • Bacopa
  • Reishi
  • Gotu Kola
  • SPM Active (fish oil)
  • Phosphatidyl Serine


Want to learn more?

6.) Apply for Life Camp, the perfect solution for the #neurodivergent and #neuroadaptive person!


Cheers to all that makes you uniquely awesomely YOU!

  Star and Ruby​

Star Rose Bond, Licensed Psychotherapist & Ruby Christine Head, Trauma Informed Coach, Cofounders of Life Camp

Medical Disclaimer

FDA Disclaimer: These statements and products have not been evaluated by the FDA. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. If you have a health concern or condition, consult a physician. Always consult a medical doctor before modifying your diet, using any new product, drug, supplement, or doing any new exercises.


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