Why can't I get over my last breakup?

Apr 17, 2022
Ruby and Star leaning against a wall with a graphic saying, Life Camp TV 5 Why can't I get over my last breakup? with Star Bond, LCSW & Ruby Head, Coach

It's a new episode of Life Camp TV!

Today is a mini episode where we share a question from one of our coaching sessions...

"I still have to fight to be over my breakup from a year ago. I'm exhausted. Why am I still not over my ex?"

Tune in to learn:

  • The truth about relationships and what Disney has to do with it
  • The real reason you stay stuck and can't move on


Speaking of breakups!

THE BREAKUP GUIDE:  Get Unstuck, Let Go & Move On!

We've got a class for you! April 26th, 4pm PST... we are covering all things Breakup!

Whether in the process of breaking up, newly separated or broke up long ago (but still think about the ex daily 🙄), it's possible to get unstuck with a lot less heartache, learn to powerfully let go & initiate the steps to truly move on.

Join us for our 90 minute LIVE class 100% focused on delivering the knowledge, awareness & the exact tools necessary to heal & thrive after a breakup.

We’re teaching:

  • The different types of break-ups & how to navigate each with ease & a lot less drama.
  • Why it hurts so bad even when you know it’s time to end it.
  • Why we stay stuck in patterns w/ certain ‘types’.
  • What relationships really are & why each is one is a gift regardless of the outcome.
  • Breakup do’s & don'ts.

And more... plus a workbook, meditations and the tools you need to finally get over your ex!

Sliding scale, pay what you choose accessibility model. Click the link for the rest of the details! Life gets better after breakups, trust us! 


Big hugs!

Ruby & Star

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